Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Skittle Rainbow

Room 12 made a Skittle rainbow today!

We put yellowred, orangegreen and purple Skittles in a circle on a plate. 

Then Mrs Nelson gently poured some cold water onto the Skittles.

Then we waited and watched the colours 'melt' together to make a rainbow!

In the end, the colours mixed together and made the water brown.
It was exciting to watch!

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Mixing colours

Room 12 has been learning about Primary colours. 
We know that they are blue, yellow and red and you can't make these colours.

We did an experiment called 'Crawling colours'. 
We put red, blue and yellow dye into 3 jars and plain water into 
another two jars.

Next, we scrunched up tissues and placed one end into the jar with the 
coloured dye and the other end into the jar of plain water and then we 
watched and waited...

We watched as the primary colours 'crawled' from one jar into another 
and made secondary colours!

It was really cool watching the colours crawl.
We learnt that yellow and red make orange and that red and blue make purple!

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Do Whacky Do!

Room 12 performed a play called 'Do Whacky Do' in our Junior Assembly 
this week. We practiced our parts for nearly two weeks and did a great job on the day. Mrs Nelson was very proud!

We had lots of Mums, Dads, Grandparents and family come to watch us.

Watch us perform below...